Sacramento, California
June 6, 2001

Automated Vital Statistics System Technical Advisory Group Core Members:
Pamela Isaac - Humboldt County
Alan Oppenheim - Office of County Health Services
John Moehring - Sacramento County
Larry Portigal - Los Angeles County
Michael Rodrian - Center For Health Statistics
Mark Starr - Division of Communicable Disease Control
Ronald Williams - University of California

1. Introduction By Attendees and Opening Statements.
A. Review of summary from December 5, 2000 TAG meeting. Note: TAG summaries are available on the Web at:
2. Version 4.10 Update.
A. Since the interim update, Version 4.9B, incorporated many of the updates that would have ordinarily been contained in the annual update, there was a more relaxed schedule in implementing Version 4.10. Most of the updates were performed by modem. All LRDs except for San Francisco have been updated.
B. The most important change in Version 4.10 is that a Hospital Birth Record must be flagged as SENT using LIST TO BE SENT TO HEALTH DEPARTMENT before it can be registered as a Birth Certificate. Another important change is the re-ordering of the GENERATE FILE suboptions under the BIRTH CERTIFICATE option. The Release Notes are posted on the Web at
3. Entering Death Certificates Into AVSS/Electronic Death Registration
A. All County Letter 01-04 was reviewed by Michael Rodrian. The letter communicates the concept of using AVSS to address the current backlog of death certificates that have "pending" for the cause of death. The Office of Vital Records will reimburse LRDs that adopt this procedure at rate of $1.00 per AVSS electronic death record.
B. Jessica McCarroll explained the new procedure using a flowchart. It involves entering a minimum number of death certificate fields into AVSS, entering a "-1" into the UCOD field for the pending cause of death, making copies of pending death certificates and forwarding them to county recorders, holding the original certificates until cause of death is determined or up to 60 days, and then entering a "0" for UCOD. Blue "target" copies of certificates with pending causes of death are to be included in transmittals.
C. LRDs electing to participate should call Alan Oppenheim (916-324-1100) or Jessica McCarroll (916-322-5179). The reimbursement of $1.00 per AVSS death record will be in effect until June 30, 2002 and may be extended.
4. AVSS Modification Requests (AMRs): Review and Discussion.
01-021: Some LRDs found the Version 4.10 requirement that Hospital Birth Record must be flagged as SENT using LIST TO BE SENT TO HEALTH DEPARTMENT to be time consuming. A suggestion was made that it not apply to out-of-hospital births. This would save time at LRDs having high volume of home birth registrations, but would compromise data quality for non-hospital births registered by hospitals. After some discussion it was decided not to make the change to AVSS.
01-041: One LRD uses a non-AVSS system to collect death certificate data. OVR suggested that it might be useful to develop an import utility for AVSS. Given the ongoing problems with importing birth data from foreign systems, the effort involved, and the likelihood that only one LRD would participate, there was a consensus not to develop this capability.
01-043: The new procedure discussed in Item 3 above for processing death certificates with pending causes of death could be made more efficient if AVSS could produce a transmittal listing of pending certificates including LFN, name, and date of registration. This would not be difficult to program since it could make use of the LIST TO BE SENT suboption under the HOSPITAL BIRTH RECORD system option. There was a consensus to add this capability.
5. AVSS Automated Birth-Death Matching.
A. MCH is providing funding to improve AVSS birth-infant death matching and to possibly incorporate it into the ongoing OVR operations. Matching is preferably performed at the state level since family mobility can result in a change in residence during the first year of the infant's life and consequently infant death certificates may not be reallocated back to the LRD of birth. The AVSS Project is also looking into the possibility of merging cause of death information as obtained from OVR into the AVSS database at OVR. It should be possible to produce a linked birth-infant death cohort files soon, and this could be distributed to LRDs. If interested, e-mail the AVSS project.
6. The Future Of AVSS.
A. Computer systems at a number of older AVSS installations are beginning to show signs of age. The AVSS Project has developed the means to refurbish these systems with new disk drives/controllers and improved methods of database backup using removable hard disks. A total of nine LRDs have been updated by this means with the resultant systems more reliable and running 5-10 times faster. LRDs having hardware that is showing signs of malfunction or poor performance should contact the AVSS Project for assistance.
B. Ron Williams reported on the progress to modernize the AVSS computer architecture using the Internet as proposed a year ago. Based on Windows 2000, AVSS/NET uses SSH (Secure Shell) encryption technology to establish secure Telnet sessions to a central server. This requires two servers at the central site: an encryption (SSH) server connected through the Internet to a user workstation running a terminal emulation program, called SecureCRT, and an AVSS/NT server connected to the SSH server in a secure environment. AVSS can thus migrate to this modern computer platform and appears functionally identical to the present DOS-based system. The AVSS Project established a new AVSS/NET facility at UCSB in early 2001 with redundant severs (two SSH and two AVSS) and broad band Internet access. In addition to using encryption, AVSS/NET requires two users names and two passwords to log in, so security is enhanced compared to the present system that requires only one password. Merced County was converted from its DOS-based AVSS to AVSS/NET on May 7, 2001. Sue Ollis of Merced County reported that the new system is faster and more convenient since it runs on the Windows platform. In general the Internet has been responsive but there are times when it is slow. Merced County is working on improving its Internet access. The AVSS/NET server has been reliable, operating 24/7, but there was one incident of downtime lasting four hours.
C. Pam Isaac asked when AVSS/NET would be available to other LRDs. Ron Williams responded that at least six months and possibly a year of testing would be necessary. Although most of the functionality has been developed, there is still a need to establish a means for the secure transfer of ASCII files from the UCSB servers to LRDs. Additionally, AVSS/NET is considerably more costly in terms of software licenses than is DOS-based AVSS.
7. Confidential Morbidity Report (Discussion Led By Mark Starr: See attached CMR Topics).
A. Peaches Grant of San Diego and Mark Starr of DHS organized the 2nd Annual Morbidity Meeting to discuss a variety of CMR topics, with special emphasis on AVSS, on June 5, 2001, to coincide with this AVSS TAG meeting. The agenda for this meeting was distributed. There was a good turnout and a similar meeting is likely to be scheduled next year. The potential impact of HIPAA in the areas of privacy/confidentiality, security, and data content was briefly discussed.
B. Mark Starr can be contacted at
8. Census Tracting.
A. Alameda County reported that the 2000 Census has added more tracts, which may pose a problem of consistency for 2000-2001 AVSS data that has already been tracted using the 1990 street index files. The solution is to install the updated AVSS Census Tract Street Index file (in cooperation with D-M Information Systems), delete the census tract field for the appropriate AVSS forms, then re-tract the 2000 and later records. Those LRDs interested in following this procedure should contact the AVSS Help Desk at 916-324-8232.
9. AVSS Technical Assistance.
A. A draft letter to LRDs requesting FY 01-02 contributions of $1,500 plus $500 per added AVSS site was presented. There was a consensus that the letter was appropriate and should be mailed.
B. In order to improve data quality and enhance registration efficiency, OVR and the AVSS Project are encouraging all LRDs to use AVSS to print local file numbers and their associated bar codes. The HP 4100 is the recommended printer. Contact the AVSS Project if you are not using bar codes and are interested in doing so.

Acknowledgment: This summary is based on notes taken by Emily Lehman and written by Ronald Williams.

CMR Topics - AVSS TAG - 6 June 2000
Mark Starr, Chief, Surveillance and Statistics Section, Cal DHS
(916) 445-5948;;

1. SSS Update

-- 5-year CD Report (1994-1998) - currently in DHS report approval process;
1999-2000 CD Report in progress

-- Case report forms now available in PDF format (view/print only; many now "filllable") on our web-site
(above) - Click on "Publications", then scroll to FORMS section and click on link;
Username: cdforms, Password: broadstreet

-- Electronic laboratory-based reporting (ELR): California Electronic Laboratory disease Alert and Reporting (CELDAR) system - in-house demonstration project w/ MDL & ITSD - now operational; modest increases in grant funding from CDC for Bioterrorism Preparedness and NEDSS (see below) - to pilot with LHD labs, HMO lab, State veterinary lab, commercial lab
[Reminder: Laboratory and syndromic electronic reporting pilot w/ No Cal Kaiser (6 months) was completed in early 2000 -- web-site still available.
URL:, Username: PHIP, Password: broadstreet; NOTE: Provisional Northern California Kaiser Lab data only. Prototype for web-based data access in future -- CHECK IT OUT!!]

-- National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NEDSS): Grant-funded (CDC)
project to use data and arhcitecture standards in surveillance systems --> interoperable surveillance systems (NEDSS = "system of systems").
Assessment and Planning completed; Element Development ("Integrated Data Repository" started). More NEDSS info:

-- Proposed pilot of provider-based internet PH reporting (w/ Lawrence Livermore
National Labs and DHS Health Info. & Strategic Planning, Calif. HealthCare Foundation funding): Pilot proposal for CD reporting completed by LLNL, but still under review by DHS, CHCF. Design includes integration with AVSS, HMOs, etc.

2. "Old Business"

-- CMR form and Title 17 (sec. 2500, 2505, etc.) regulations revisions: Emergency regulation changes close to approval; Full reg changes (and CMR revisions) to begin soon (comments still welcome)

-- AVSS-CMR: Deletions ("~DELETE" for DISEASE) - use in place of "SCRATCH"
Pending Morbidity Report (DMR) --- "case management" and "early warning" tool
AVSS foreign data import - ready for pilot
CMR/Reporting Manual updates/additions - send suggestions/ideas
Still pending: Revisions of disease list (re-working), subtype list, and
download (ASCII) file layout; CMR Users' Group
CMR User's group --- 2nd Annual Morbidity Meeting yesterday (June 5, 2001).

Updated July 27, 2001 by RL Williams
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