1. Introductions
2. Opening statements by Ron Williams
A. Discussion of room setup
B. Summary of issues presented at TAG meeting in June, 1997
C. AVSS contacts. Column will be added for CMR contacts.
D. Activites in LRDs
1. Goals for births in LRDs is complete
2. CDC - records are not transmitted to the state at this time.
3. Everyone is sending and receiving reallocates.
4. Census Tract - DM Info will convert Dime files for LRDs who
are unable to do pay for census tract files.
LRDs not currently using census tracting will have files installed
with new version of AVSS (V4.7).
5. NANA - Alan Oppenheim stated that rules on the NANA project
may be changing. Will be discussed
6. CMR - C05-Calaveras expressed an interest in using AVSS for
CMR entry. John Marinko will follow-up.
E. AVSS sites in California. Margaret DeLano from C37-San Diego
would like a copy of the California Maternity
Hospital Code Book.
F. Discussion of V4.7 Release Notes. Version 4.7 doesn't need
to be installed by 1/1/98. Beta version will be
available next week. Review of release notes:
1. Out-of-state reallocates - data can only be used for statistrical
purposed per interstate agreement. No
data may be provided for immunization programs, etc.
2. 97-181 - Comment in HCA/LCA record in display only.
3. 97-004 - Variable length for CMR matching.
4. 96-150 - Change matching/key-word search.
5. 97-026 - Communication Log changes/improvements.
LRDs will receive Release Notes and both LRD and Hospital update
diskettes and instructions. Updates should
be available by early December, then to be installed by 1/31/98.
Fresno would like updates via e-mail.
3. Notes on OVR workshop - Alan Oppenheim.
A. Birth project re-design. Wants to move away from Legacy system
written in COBOL with year 2000 problems.
B. Documents are imaged in order to index records.
C. Changes are being done in mulitple phases due to amendment
1. Phase I - 1998 events
2. Phase II - 1999 events
D. Amendments need to be done in a more timely way. Margaret DeLano
of C37-San Diego would like amended
records to be electronically transmitted to originating LRD.
E. There needs to be a way to verify the validity of birth certificates
with different sources such as Medical Records
and/or OSHPD. Margaret DeLano would like a report by hospital
with medical record # on it.
F. Review of reports to be used by LRDs for certificate tracking:
3. DUPLICATE RECORD REPORT - 2 are available for use.
6. Cautions regarding scratching records.
4. AMRs:
96-118 Per JAM, has been done and is ready for testing.
97-090 O.K.
97-098 O.K. There needs to be both choices for SCOTTISH and SCOTCH.
97-112 Larry Portigal needs to coordinate with OVR regarding confidentiality
issues because father's SSN
is included in the report. This information is required by the
L.A. District Attorney's office.
97-118 Rod Palmieri needs to check with the state regarding the
format of the date.
97-139 Don't add PALESTINE or HOLLAND to the state list. Values
can be overridden.
97-142 No change to compulsory prompts for the Death Record at
this time.
97-146 O.K.
97-151 Possibility of doing an AMR to send problems to a long-term
Trouble File for rejected census tract
97-154 O.K.
97-158 LRDs should return and ask their hospitals how they feel
about warning message when skipping fields.
Needs further discussion.
97-159 O.K.
97-162 Not discussed. Larry Portigal not present.
97-177 O.K.
97-178 O.K.
97-179 O.K.
97-180 O.K.
97-181 O.K.
97-183 O.K.
97-184 Phase II issue per Alan Oppenheim. Not for version 4.7.
97-185 O.K.
5. EDRS - Alan Oppenheim
A. Piloting LRDs will be C36-San Bernardino for AK and C42-Santa
Barbara for AVSS. Pilot to start by mid-April
and continue through June or July. Results will then be evaluated.
B. Funeral Directors are supportive of move to put Death Records
on-line. Funeral homes are currently entering
data for death certificates either manually or through use of
software available for this purpose.
C. The state of California feels that the primary responsibility
for this project does not lie with them, per Rod
Palmieri. He feels that this is a private project and the state
is acting only as an advisor.
6. Review of recommended AVSS equipment for hospital and funeral
7. Bar-coding is enthusiastically supported by all LRDs using
8. Arnet/Digi boards. Available for purchase and some models are
compatible with MSM.
9. CMRs - Mark Starr
A. Mailing with new CMR form to test counties:
1. Humboldt
2. San Mateo
3. San Diego
4. Yolo
B. Some fields on the new form may be slightly out-of-order from
the AVSS prompting sequence.
Generally, there are no changes other than some race coding changes
and some new fields.
C. Availability of new forms in Adobe Acrobat format:
1. By e-mail. Send e-mail request to mstarr@dcdc.dhs.cahwnet.gov.
2. On floppy disk by sending an IBM-formatted, scanned, 3.5"
ST., M/S 486,
P.O. BOX 942732, SACRAMENTO, CA 94234-7320.
D. Those requesting a copy of EpiCMR should contact Ron Williams.
10. Census tracting - no one present from DM Info
11. Birth-Death Matching
A. Requires LRDs to enter infant deaths.
B. Problem at C07-Contra Costa and older reallocates
C. Birth-death matching works best if reallocates are done for
both LCAs and Death Records.
Updated June 23, 1998 by RL Williams
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